Chapter Elections
We will hold elections early next year for a one-year term of the chapter Steering Committee. Below are descriptions of each role and its responsibilities. Please write to if you have any questions, or to nominate yourself or someone else for one of these posts!
Co-Chairs | Plan meetings and events for the chapter. Chairs are often called on by regional and national DSA organizers to meet via zoom; this role therefore has an expected time commitment, but also provides a great opportunity to build organizing skills and attend workshops.
Treasurer | Handles the chapter bank account. Ideally, a treasurer will approach the role with strategies in mind for future fundraising projects, not just for the chapter but also for mutual aid groups and charities.
Secretary | Secretaries are responsible for taking minutes during meetings and posting their summaries afterwards, so that members not in attendance can stay informed.
Social Chair | Aids the co-chairs in planning events, specifically taking charge of more casual gatherings like movie nights. Also tasked with acting as an unbiased third party in de-escalation if there is conflict in the chapter.
Media Coordinator | Oversees our online presence and publications to ensure that they reflect chapter interests and values.